How to build a City Farm on the Olympic village site after 2024 ?<br>On this specific topic we have several project proposals. We would like to discuss and deliberate using our Knowledge evaluation model :<br>1) Document / describe the different proposals2) Detail the corresponding knowledge existing or to be developped (ex: Knowing how to build a greenhouse)3) For each knowledge detail the value indicators : <br>- Energy autonomy- Low consumption of water- Strenth- Ability to open the greenhouse- ...4) Participant may modify/improve the indicators5) Participants may order the indicators (ex: what is the most important indicator)6) Participants may qualify the indicators (ex: Energy autonomy is important, Low water consumption is not an important indicator)7) Vote may be usefull in order to approve or to reject the final set of indicator8) Vote may be usefull to decide which project needs to be selected (labellized for Contributive Income) according to the best compliacy with deliberated indicators.

Citizen proposal #4

check 1. Admission (reached 1) info_outline
check 2. Discussion (finished) info_outline
check 3. Verification (reached 10.0% / 1) info_outline
check 4. Voting (finished) info_outline
Finished with winner

Competing initiatives

This is the only initiative in this issue, because nobody started a competing initiative.